Spinal Manipulation Therapy, also known as the “adjustment”, is the foundation of chiropractic therapy.

Spinal joints that are “locked up”, fixed or not moving correctly can affect your health by irritating nearby nerve tissue. Adjustments help restore nervous system integrity and can improve the healing process.

Do you need to see a chiropractor?

Chiropractic is a health care profession that serves to diagnose, treat and help prevent disorders and conditions related to the spine, nervous system and musculoskeletal system (including back, neck and head pain). Chiropractors believe in treating the individual as a whole rather than the sum of their parts in order to achieve ones optimal health and reach ones true potential. People who suffer with pain from workplace or motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, stress and even everyday activities seek chiropractic care for their pain relief and corrective care.

Chiropractic uses numerous techniques including manual and instrument assisted adjustments, soft tissue therapies such as Active Release Technique (ART) and X in order to achieve optimal wellness and pain relief for the patient.

Do you need to see a chiropractor?

Benefits of spinal manipulation therapy at Absolute PhysioCare & Sports Rehab in Burnaby:

  • Releases joint restrictions
  • Restores normal functional motion to the joint
  • Reduces pain
  • Treats whiplash
  • Treats back pain
  • Breaks up fibrous adhesions that form around joints
  • Reduces the chance of developing degenerative joint diseases such as Osteoarthritis


Our highly qualified therapists are committed to listening to your needs and providing one on one care in order for you to feel your best!

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