Absolute PhysioCare is happy to offer direct billing so that you don’t have to pay out of pocket to receive the best possible treatment and therapy for your injury or ailment.

How Direct Billing Works at Our Burnaby BC Clinic

It’s pretty straight forward, for you! When booking your initial appointment let staff know that you want to take advantage of the direct billing option made possible via your extended healthcare coverage provider. We’ll walk you through the rest and get you well on your way to enhanced wellness. It’s that simple!

Healthcare Coverage Providers Accepted

Direct Billing Physiotherapy Burnaby BC - Pacific Blue Cross

We have a longstanding partnership with Pacific Blue Cross, which is British Columbia’s top health benefits provider. Is your extended healthcare coverage with another provider? We may be able to directly bill them as well. To find out, simply give us a call at 604.558.2273 and let reception know who your coverage is with. We are more than happy to answer any additional questions that you have about billing, rates, or anything else you have in mind.

Direct Billing on ICBC Claims

Direct Billing Physiotherapy Burnaby BC - ICBC

Whether or not you have extended coverage through your business, employer, or privately purchased plan is beside the point when filing an ICBC claim. Our Burnaby clinic’s chiropractors are registered with ICBC. This means that for chiropractic treatment, there are NO FEES CHARGED with valid ICBC claims, even if you are at fault. Absolute PhysioCare will direct bill ICBC on your behalf. You do not have to pay out of pocket or even waste your time with a phone call. You’ve paid enough to ICBC Autoplan through the years, and it’s time to get something back, without having to give up your valuable time. All you need to do is to provide your claim number – no medical doctor referral needed! View more on how to get the most from your ICBC chiropractic treatment at our Burnaby clinic. What about alternative forms of treatment? We are also able to direct bill ICBC for 100% of the service cost for other approved treatments with an active ICBC Claim. This includes Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapies such as Acupuncture. In fact, thanks to ICBC’s new care-based model you now have a access to a greater number of injury repair options that we can directly bill ICBC for.
Remember, all that you need to do is give us a call at 604.558.2273 and we will clarify options that are currently available to you.